Wednesday, June 18, 2008


During the 1990s GulfWar, the world was astounded atthe superiority of the American war effort. Iraqi armieswere overtaken by a ratio of about a thousand to one. Thetroops came back alive.But that is not to say that they came back healthy, andthousands of war veterans have died or are dying fromwhat has commonly come to be known as Gulf War Syndrome.Scientists’ attempts to locate the precise origins ofMycoplasma Incognita are not helped by the government’sunbending denials that there is such a thing as Gulf WarSyndrome in the first place.It is thought that Mycoplasma Incognita could havebeen manufactured as a sort of biological warfare agent.Whoever created this weapon allegedly used the HIV geneand so the illness therefore targets those with weak immunesystems. But no one seems to know what the real storyis. Lack of funding, as well as pressure from the governmentto cover up what has really gone on, has hamperedextensive research. It would seem that the M. D. AndersonCancer Center is the only center where this is being takenseriously. In recent years the government has released documentswhich suggest that Gulf War veterans are indeed rightwhen they claim that they were exposed to chemical andbiological agents during Operation Desert Storm, a claimwhich had previously been denied over and over again.Supporters of the veterans have claimed that the U.S. wasdirectly responsible for the weapons in the first place, havingsold those chemical and biological agents to the Iraqis.And it would appear that the veterans might have beenused as test subjects by the military themselves. The military,it would seem, forced the troops to take injections ofexperimental drugs which were supposedly intended toprotect them from biological weapons and nerve gas. Immediatelyprior to the Gulf War, the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration adopted the Interim Rule which allows themilitary to use experimental drugs on military staff withouttheir consent “during times of military exigency.” TheInterim Rule is still being observed. As a result, the troopswere given shots of pyridostigmine bromide tablets andbotulism toxoid vaccine. The FDA maintained that the militaryprovide staff with information about the side effectsof these experimental drugs and demanded that thoroughrecords be kept of which troops they were administered to.This, according to the National GulfWar Resource Center,however, is not the case. The Department of Defensefailed to inform troops of the possible side effects and virtuallyforced them into taking the injections. The Departmentof Defense also failed to keep records of whichtroops were given experimental drugs and did not keepcomplete records of the side effects that were inevitablyexperienced by the troops. This lack of recordkeeping hindersveterans’ ability to get medical help to this day.What is most frightening is that Mycoplasma Incognitaseems to be highly contagious. It is claimed that some ofthe families of these GulfWar veterans have now been attackedby the disease and low-income families who weregiven surplus Desert Storm food at food banks may alsohave become ill. Could this be a warped form of population control?Starting with men and women who pledged their lives toserve their country and who now can’t get enough helpfrom the authorities who sent them out in the first place?

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