Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The death of Adolf Hitler has always been cryptic andmany of the top Nazis are still unaccounted for. Thefate of Hitler’s deputy, Martin Bormann, is one of the unsolvedmysteries ofWorld War II, and, it would seem, hasprovided a role-model for Elvis Presley and Princess Diana.That said, he doesn’t seem to have made too gooda job of it and apparently he’s been seen everywherefrom Scandinavia to the Caribbean. And his body hasnever been found. While in 1972, a German court claimedto have found the skull of Bormann, some researchers saythat it was no more than a ploy to put the Nazi hunters welloff track.Evidence from British intelligence officers has pointedto the fact that Bormann may have come to Britain afterthe War. Having the authority to release all German fundsin Swiss banks, he was apparently brought to Britain andused by British intelligence to their advantage while beinghoused in a small village.More bizarrely, the scheme to rescue Bormann was, apparently,conducted by Ian Fleming who, upon retirementfrom the British Secret Service, became the creator of James Bond, who was to become the world’s most famoussecret agent.Nevertheless, there are problems regarding this theory,not least of all that everyone involved is dead; Bormannapparently having died in the early ’50s and Ian Fleming in1964, not having breathed a word about the whole Bormannaffair. But then, as the widow of one of Fleming’sfriends pointed out, “He maintained that you must neversay anything more than you are morally bound to say.”

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